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    pammy  55, Female, United Kingdom - 22 entries
Dec 2007
10:39 PM GMT

A Stressful Morning!

Worst start to a day in a very long time. Left the house at the usual time to walk down my huge steep hill. Got to the very bottom and heard a voice from within saying "Where is your purse?" "In my bag" was my inward reply. Decided to double check and walked over to the closest pillar to look in my bag when I stood on an enormous dog poo! Hmmm. Flitting between wiping my foot and searching my bag, I started to panick as I had 15 mins to catch my bus.

I double checked my pockets and after saying a few loud and very choice words, I started to march furiously towards the bottom of the hill. I glanced across the road and saw a young lady waiting at the bus stop. Yesss I headed back the few yards and crossed over asking her if the bus was due now. I got a very strange look as she said "yes". I mumbled in a stressed voice how I'd lost my purse and was panicking in case I was going to be late. She stared and gave me a slight nod and forced a half smile.

The bus appeared moments later and the penny dropped! Hmmm.(not the best phrase!) I shouted and swore at the top of my voice that I had no purse. At that point she looked terrified and side stepped me to climb on as I raked in the bottom of my bag furiously for loose change. The bus had waited a few moments on me and I roared "Yesss, I've found a pound" holding it up in the air. I was only going 2 stops but It was greasy fast lightning speed I needed now to catch my bus.

I jumped off at my stop and legged it up the stairs to the house grabbed the flaming purse and flew back down stairs, ran across the road and got halfway to the next bus stop when the bus was almost there. I had to run, almost backwards waving my arm and bag out towards the road like a mad woman posessed. I climbed on, panting and puffing like an old cart horse and asked for the wrong place!
The driver and an extremely full bus were all staring as I insisted on my destination....(which of course was the one I was at!) Oh dear! I realised my mistake and burst out laughing and muttered that it was not a good day all the way to my seat!
I, unbelievably, made my original bus! These things are sent to try us! Roll on the weekend. lol. Take Care. Back Soon. xxx

Matches: 1